Bardia Konh

Bardia Konh, PhD

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Associate Member, Cancer Biology Program, University of Hawaiʻi Cancer Center

Academic Appointment(s):
Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa

PhD, Temple University

Research Focus

Our research is focused on development of small (meso-scale) surgical robots to improve the surgical outcomes by performing the tasks more accurately and less invasive. To this aim, my group designs and develops surgical robots using advanced and adaptive materials and then tests the robots with advanced control strategies for clinical applications. Needle-based procedures such as brachytherapy, ablation, and tissue biopsy are among popular minimally invasive surgeries for treatment and diagnosis of many types of cancer. Our research is currently focused on areas such as radioactive seed delivery (brachytherapy) to target locations near cancerous tissue and extraction of biopsy samples using robotic active steerable needles.

Selected Publications

Konh B, Padasdao B, Batsaikhan Z, Ko SY. (2021). Integrating Robot-Assisted Ultrasound Tracking and 3D Needle Shape Prediction for Real-Time Tracking of the Needle Tip in Needle Steering Procedures. Int J Med Robot; DOI: 10.1002/(ISSN)1478-596X.

Konh B, Batsaikhan Z, Padasdao B, Lederer J. (2021). Steering a Tendon-Driven Needle in High-Dose-Rate Prostate Brachytherapy for Patients with Pubic Arch Interference. IEEE International Symposium on Medical Robotics.

Padasdao B, Varnamkhasti ZK, Konh B. (2020). 3D Steerable Biopsy Needle with a Motorized Manipulation System and Ultrasound Tracking to Navigate inside Tissue. J Med Robot Res;5(3 & 4), 2150003 (18 pages).

Varnamkhasti ZK, Konh B. (2020). Design, Fabrication, and Testing of a Flexible Three-Dimensional Printed Percutaneous Needle with Embedded Actuators. J Med Device;15(2),021007 (10 pages).

Karimi S, Konh B. (2020). Self-Sensing Electrical Resistance Feedback Control of Multiple Interacting SMA Actuators in a 3D Steerable Active Needle. J Intell Mater Syst Struct;13(12), pp.1524-1540.

Publication list via Google Scholar

Active Grants

B. Konh, PI; J. Ramos, Primary Mentor; R. Shohet, R. Woo, T. Podder, J. Lederer, Co-Mentors
NIH/Mentored Quantitative Research Development Award (K25)
“Smart Needle with Intelligent Robotic Control for Prostate Brachytherapy”
09/01/2021 – 05/31/2025

B. Konh, PI
Hawaii Community Foundation, Medical Research Program
“Precise Biopsy Extraction System with Active Needle, Sensory and Medical Imaging Feedback”
06/03/2020 – 12/02/2022 (with a No Cost Extension (NCE))

B. Konh, PI
“I-Corps: Steerable 3D shape memory alloy activated core biopsy needle”
06/15/2021 – 11/30/2022 (with an NCE)