Hawaiʻi and Pacific Island Mammography Registry

The Hawaiʻi & Pacific Islands Mammography Registry (HIPIMR) database maintains a computerized database of women undergoing breast imaging in the state of Hawaiʻi, currently containing over 45 million images. Included are demographic, clinical and risk factor information, breast imaging interpretations, cancer outcomes, and vital status obtained through linkage with the Hawaiʻi Tumor Registry (HTR) and Hawaiʻi State Department of Health and Vital Records (HSDHVR).

The main goals of the registry are to

  1. Identify next-generation breast imaging characteristics and their association with breast cancer in women of various ages and ethnicities.
  2. Examine clinical risk factors in women undergoing breast cancer screening in disadvantaged and underrepresented communities in Hawaiʻi and the Pacific Islands.
  3. Improve the accuracy and accessibility of breast cancer screening through quality control, alternative technology, and artificial intelligence.

We hope to learn more about how mammograms and advanced breast imaging tests can best detect breast cancer and what characteristics of women and tumors influence detection.  Building this understanding can make screening more efficient and improve the outcomes for women with breast cancer.

To learn more and to request data, visit our website.